On July 4th team Ulika jumped into a phone booth to become Hot As Cluck Fried Chicken. What was the occasion? Well, it was the Nashville Hot Chicken Festival of course. Here are some pics from our adventure. Congrats to Pollo Sauve for taking home the trophy. They only announced the winner, but we are pretty sure that we finished second (at least in our minds). We had a great time out at East Park and we want to thank the festival origanizers for allowing us to participate and to all of our supporters (you know who you are).

Prince's Vending Crew

Honorary Ulika Members

Trimming the Chicken

Using the Thermapen to make sure the oil is just right

Wet Hand, Dry Hand

If it comes in a dropper you know it's HOT.

Cooking chicken

Adding the finishing touches

Secret Ingredient

Former Nashville Mayor Bill Purcell trying to
shigg me 
Our Hot Chicken Turn-In

The Judging Begins

Drivin & Fryin

Team Rutledge

Pollo Sauve in action

The winner - Pollo Sauve
Wickles huh? I prefer Free Endless Pickles call me old fashion.
Nice presentation! I wish I hadn't missed out this year, but I was on a lake. One of the first posts in my blog was about my experience at the festival last year.
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