Terrapin Brewery in Athens, GA has teamed upped with our favorite local stone ground chocolate company Olive and Sinclair to create a Milk Stout called Moo Hoo. While this is not the first time O&S has been combined with beer, it is believed to be the first bottled beer containing the cocoa nibs and shells directly from Nashville's own Willy Wonka. This beer should be hitting the specialty beer stores in the coming weeks. If you spot this beer out in the wild please let us know. As soon as I can get some, I will post a review.
On a side note, for all you Hop Heads out there make sure you pick up a bottle of Terrapin's So Fresh & So Green, Green. This fresh hop beer is very tasty, and you should really try it based on the name alone.
I saw this on twitter - can't wait to try it!
Vivek's Epicurean Adventures
Whole Foods in Green hills!.. they have an entire floor display..I picked up a 12 pack earlier today.
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