13 May 2010

Music Thursday: Workingman's Dead Cumberland Blues

Well I have been very absent from the blog lately. If it weren't for my partner in crime BP coming strong with the BBQ Sauce of the Week, the Ulika faithful would be left with an empty rss feed. It is not that there has been a lack of activity around here, in fact it is probably the opposite. Here are some things that I intended to blog about but didn't:

High on the Hog - we finished 10th out of 47 teams

I attended my first Southern Foodways Alliance event - Potlikker Film Festival at City House. See the Bites recap here.

I attended the Pellet Envy competition bbq class in Lebanon.

I started my CSA with Avalon Acres, and I planted 6 tomato plants.

and most importantly I survived the flood of 2010. This flood has been a crazy experience, and there are several sites that have documented it way better than I ever could. All I am going to do is bring you a tune with an appropriate title Cumberland Blues:


Pad guy said...

quite fitting baby...

I heard you did some BBQ for flooded out folks, well done.

Unknown said...

yeah we cooked about 150lbs of pork and gave it all away in less than 2hrs